We are a large multi-disciplinary department, which aims to tackle some of the world’s biggest health challenges by integrating innovative basic biology with cutting edge clinical research. We have internationally renowned programmes in a range of areas including cardiovascular sciences, diabetes and endocrinology, immunology, haematology and pathology. Find out more about what we do.
Investigative Medicine Division
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MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine
Latest Publications
Evasion of MAIT cell recognition by the African Salmonella 4 Typhimurium ST313 pathovar that causes invasive disease.
Whole-genome sequencing of patients with rare diseases in a national health system.
Extracellular Myocardial Volume in Patients With Aortic Stenosis.
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Rapid mobilisation of research in response to covid-19: a paradigm for the future.
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on admission rates for, and management of, acute coronary syndromes in England.
Alcohol-derived DNA crosslinks are repaired by two distinct mechanisms.
CytoCensus, mapping cell identity and division in tissues and organs using machine learning.
The future of continuing medical education: the roles of medical professional societies and the health care industry.
What's new
Dr Pavel Ovsieko part of new Athena Swan governance committee
28 July 2023
Dr Mayooran Shanmuganathan awarded graduate scholarship prize
28 July 2023
Study identifies life-long changes to the heart in babies born prematurely
13 July 2023
14 July 2023
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Varying risk of COVID-19 to health workers revealed
13 July 2023
Acute Vascular Imaging Centre
Cardiovascular Clinical Research Facility
Oxford Centre for Clinical Magnetic Resonance Research
Diabetes Trials Unit
MRC Molecular Haematology Unit
MRC Human Immunology Unit
Oxford Centre for Haematology
- Working from home guide for University staff (SSO required)
- 谁有免费的外网加速器软件
- IT Services: Adjusting to working from home
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- Information Security: Advice
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- Dept. of Experimental Psychology mental health resources
- HR Support: looking after dependants
- Oxford Sparks - Family survival guide | Animations, articles, podcasts and teaching resources